The information contained in this Online Training Module is confidential and is submitted by Elite Consulting Pro on the basis that the recipient will use it solely for the purpose for which it is supplied. The recipient may permit only it's employees having a need to know the contents of our Training Modules to have access to such contents, and shall ensure that such employees are bound by the recipient's obligation to keep it confidential.
Subject to this, the contents may not be disclosed in whole or in part to any third party without the prior written consent of Elite Consulting Pro. The recipient's acceptance of these obligations shall be indicated by the recipient's use of any online training module produced, distributed or otherwise made available by Elite Consulting Pro.
Copyright of Elite Consulting Pro's Online Training Modules are vested in and shall remain with Elite Consulting Pro. No part may be reproduced or used except for the purpose for which it is supplied or as authorized by contract or written permission. The copyright and foregoing restriction on reproduction and use extend to all media in which the information may be embodied.
Any violations of Our Copyright Policy by you or your employees may result in the permanent termination of your license and ability to access Elite's Online Training Modules.
Reservation of Rights for Elite's Online Training Modules: Subject to the limited rights expressly granted here-under, we reserve all rights, title and interest in Our Training Modules, including all related intellectual property rights. No rights are granted to you here-under other than as expressly set forth herein.
Restrictions. Except with our prior written consent, you shall not: (i) create derivative works based on proprietary information derived from any part of our Training Modules for any purpose whatsoever; (ii) copy or share information gained from accessing our Training Modules or the implementations of it to any other third party; (iii) reverse engineer any portion of our Training Modules; (iv) access any of our Training Modules in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, or (b) copy any features, functions, intellectual property or graphics used in our Training Modules or allow any third party access to any information derived from our Training Modules; (v) use our Training Modules to collect,store or process sensitive personal information, including (a) social security numbers,passport numbers, military numbers, voter numbers, driver’s license numbers, tax payer numbers, or other government identification numbers; (b)insurance policy or medical account identification numbers, (c) Protected Health Information (as defined in the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and regulations there-under) or similar information under other applicable laws or regulations, or(d) credit card numbers or bank account information or other information governed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, as amended, or other comparable law; or (iv)use access to our Training Modules for a purpose related to establishing an individual’s eligibility for credit, employment or insurance or for any consumer-initiated transaction as defined in the U.S. Fair Credit Reporting Act or any similar law.You may not access our Training Modules if you are our direct competitor, except with our prior written consent. In addition, you may not access our Training Modules for purposes of monitoring availability, performance or functionality, or for any other bench-marking or competitive purposes. In addition to any other rights we may have under this Agreement, in the event of a breach of the restrictions set forth above, we may immediately suspend the use and your access to our Training Modules. In the event of any legal dispute derived from any services provided under the terms and conditions of this agreement, the laws governing the Great State of Texas shall supercede the laws of any other state. Furthermore, any/all legal disputes resulting from your access in whole or part to any of our Online Training Modules shall be brought before a Texas court and settled by judge or jury in a Texas Court of Law.
You shall not own, assume or have any rights to intellectual property derived from our Training Modules. During your 90 Day Subscription Term, you are allowed access to purchased Training Modules for a period of 90 Days, beginning on the day payment is received for said Training Modules. You warrant that by accessing any of our Training Modules you've agree to only access our Training Modules from 1 unique IP Address. Furthermore, by accessing any of Our Training Modules you hereby agree to keep confidential any/all private user names, passwords, and/or other means provided by us to gain access to our Online Training Modules. You also agree that you will not distribute any account log-in information, whatsoever to any third party without the written consent of Elite Consulting Pro. If for any reason it is determined by Elite Consulting Pro that you have violated any terms contained in this agreement, including violation of intellectual property rights we shall immediately revoke your access to our Training Modules and respond in accordance with our Copyright Policy.
This subscription agreement (THIS "Agreement") governs your use of our Training Modules, software and services for use by your Business or Organization. By accepting of this Agreement, Expressly or by use, you agree to all of the Terms and conditions hereof, including our right to modify these terms in future.
Elite Consulting Pro, LLC, a Texas limited liability company (sometimes referred to herein as the “Company”, “we” or “us”.) is committed to protecting the privacy of those visiting this website (the “Website”) and using the services we provide (the “Service”). We reserve the right to amend this policy, from time to time. Amendments will be posted to the Website and will be effective when posted. Your initial use and your continued use of the site following the posting of any amendment, modification, or change shall constitute your acceptance of the amendment. We will notify the primary account holder associated with the Service reflected in our records by email when material changes are made to our privacy policy.