Basically all our businesses thrive on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). So first came Google and it was just a search engine, then came online businesses yet it was just a search engine. Then google saw the opportunity to rank businesses based on its capabilities, so happened SEO and then we were all doomed running the mad rat race of staying on top of a Search Engine’s results. Geez, what a fad!!!!
So here’s a fact, in April 2015 Google rolled out the Mobile-Friendly Algorithm. What a bummer for those who weren’t aware of it. Businesses were hit with a tide and this is literally what happen to many of the small ones:
There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.~Shakespeare
Quoting Shakespeare is a bit of a farce, but then again it all seems like a joke! Now read the passage in the shoes of a company that was not ready for the change. Ouch! That hurts right. It’s no longer a piece of literature, but literally-a-torture.
So we were roped into the mad rat race all over again. At first, many were scared to death that SEO rankings would be affected due to the shift. Well the relief was that it was not so; however, your page would look like an A5 sheet paper on a 4.7” screen, at the least (that was the example of an iPhone 6).
Getting to the point. Here are three important tips from the experience we had in creating our mobile-friendly website (homie to homie).
Three tips to get mobile-friendly:
- Keep it clean, No clutter – You don’t want to see a bunch of letters and graphics scrambled on your screen, that is too much information to take at one look.
- Make it short, No stutter – You and I do not have the patience to scroll through a 6-yard page, then why put your fellow brother (potentially your benefactor) through that nonsense.
- Interactive interface, No gutter – Create an experience that is light and easy-to-understand on the go (that’s the whole point of Google shifting to mobile-friendly versions).
That’s it folks! Hakuna Googlytata, it means no worries until Google rolls out the next algorithm on the pride lands!