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Video Chat from the Back of a Limo? Niche Video Makes it Possible

At Niche Video Media, we have many ideas of how our Private Media Channel can be beneficial for your company. We also provide many opportunities for you to monetize your videos. Yet, we always love when a client comes to us to use the Private Media Channel in an innovative way that never occurred to us before. This recently happened with a limousine company.

As a limousine company, a large portion of their business is transporting people to and from the airport, and as an added service, they wanted to offer their patrons the opportunity to video chat with someone from the back of the limo. Of course, this service would not be limited to those who are on their way to the airport, but it would seem that it would be most applicable in that scenario.

Take for example a businessman on his way to meet an international client, and he is getting ready to board a 10 hour flight. He has the opportunity to hold a teleconference from the back of the limo to ensure he gets every bit of information he needs for this client before he boards the flight. This way, when he lands, he can greet the client fully informed.

This also provides a security feature for parents who have sent their child off to travel on his/her own for the very first time as they can run through everything one more time before he/she gets to the airport. In keeping with the family theme, a group of teenagers heading to prom could connect with the girl’s father who lives in another city and would otherwise have missed the opportunity to see her off.

Of course, the live video chat from the back of a limo is most fun for bragging rights. This would give you the chance to say good-bye one more time to everyone who is not joining you on the fabulous tropical vacation you are taking during the middle of winter. Or, the group of guys headed to Vegas for a bachelor party have a final opportunity to tease the one guy whose wife would not let him go.

This limousine company created a fun and inventive way to use the Private Media Channel and profit from it. Think of the many creative ways can you come up with for your business to use videos and give yourself an edge over your competition. Click here to begin your free trial today.