After coming up with an amazing video and striking the right chord with your viewers, the one question that eats your mind is: what next?
Enter the magic of the metric. Numbers, numbers, numbers. How many users, how many views, duration of the views, how many shares, how many likes, how many comments, what’s the engagement and finally how much do I earn. All of it is numbers, all of it is a metric of your success or failure. Video metrics help you determine your video strategy. Let me present a scenario. Suppose you are hosting a range of cook-it-yourself videos. With video metrics, you can deduce the following:
- How many users watched your video once and came back to take a look at it again. What do we learn here? Your content is vital. They liked your content, they came back. CONTENT IS KING
- How many users came back to watch your other videos? Here you learn that they liked your idea and wanted to be inspired by more of your ideas. IDEA IS THE BRAINCHILD
- How many users shared your content on social networks? This means they want their buddies too to be enlightened by your idea and content. SHARING IS CARING
- What’s the engagement?
- Good – Your content is unique and loved by all. NEW RENEWS
- Bad – Your content is tiring and boring. OLD IS NOT GOLD
Looking at the above metrics, you know how your return on investment is going to turn out. Note that the above metrics are just the basics, a load more exist in the video world out there.
Here are a few generic ideas about metrics to get you started:
Number of views
Playback Quality
Social Media Shares
Play rate
Site metrics
Number of views:
What impact does view count exactly have?
It’s a sign of the times. The times in which video is ruling the world. View count determines whether your brand is making the right impression and is earning the familiarity fostering, but remember it’s just the beginning and not the ultimatum.
Playback Quality:
How good is your video looking?
You will remembered for your content. Keeping your videos sensible and simplistic is the key to a clean viewing experience. Make sure your videos are the epitome of ‘practice what you preach’. Know that if your video description is ‘How to cut onions?’ your video must explain the same. Do not caption your video ‘How to cut onions?’ and then animate the process of pulping a tomato.
Pay attention to where viewers are dropping off and edit your content accordingly. Split overly long videos into more focused, shorter clips to meaningfully measure individual engagement.
Social Media Shares:
Word-of-mouth advertisement is the oldest and the most reliable intangible asset. Social media sharing is the online version of word-of-mouth publicity.
To successfully mouth your videos, the following can be done:
- If the goal of your content is to go viral, make sure it is unique.
- Educational or entertaining content tends to be more engaging.
- Your “shared content” probably isn’t directly focused on your product, but somewhere down the line it catches fire.
- Optimize your content for social media sharing with open-graph tags. Know more about open-graph tags here.
Do you embed videos? Did you know embeds are liquid gold? Yes. Embeds are one of the greatest ways to measure user engagement.
How and which videos do I embed cleverly?
- Move the video to a prominent location on the page, or make the embed larger.
- Choose a creative, fun thumbnail. Maybe a gif or an anime? The world is your oyster.
- Change the text around the video to better explain the video’s purpose.
- Move the video to a different page where it might be contextual with a learning curve.
- Reconsider the video concept altogether. Was a video really the best medium for this message or was the message delivered in the best way in the video?
Site Metrics:
All said and done, the overall performance of your website must race against time. Proof of the pudding is in the taste, success of your website is in the metric.
Remember! The circle of life
Metrics are magical indeed! Read about it here and then you will be under a spell to register here.