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Use Video Streaming Services for a Competitive Edge in the Bull Breeding Industry

One of the greatest things about our Private Media Channel is that we are able to help increase the value of our clients’ products  and services. By sharing videos and featuring live streaming, our clients are able to offer more services to their customers, distinguishing them from the competition as well as creating an opportunity for more profit. We’ve seen this repeatedly in our case studies, like that of the Doggy Daycare and limousine service, and we genuinely love being able to help our clients in his way. We also enjoy learning new ways that our Private Media Channel can help a business, like in determining which bull is the best specimen for breeding.

Yes, you read that last sentence right. We never could have imagined our video streaming services benefiting that specific industry, but one of our clients showed us how invaluable it can be.

When it comes to bull breeding, the owner of the cow wants the most impressive bull he/she can find, and will typically look all over the country in order to find the best bull for the money and the best possible offspring. Yet, how can a cow owner tell if a bull that lives in Texas is truly superior than a bull who lives in Kansas? Yes, they will look at pictures and talk with the owner of the bull about genetics, but these methods do not allow the owner of the cow to see the bull charging and really demonstrate his strength. The only way to get this information is to take a trip to the farm. Or so that used to be the case.

Our client has established a Private Media Channel and uploaded videos of his bulls. This way, any interested cow owner can be given permission to view the video of the bull in question. By seeing a video of the bull’s brute strength, speed and breeding appeal, the cow owner can make a finite decision without traveling. This service can save thousands of dollar worth of traveling expenses, and makes our client more desirable in the bull breeding industry because of it.

As you can see, our secure video hosting services offer value for every industry, whether it helps to boost your sales or gives you the opportunity to create luxury services. We have no doubt that our Private Media Channel is perfect for your business. Contact us to set up a free demo.