A prestigious university in Nagpur, India was planning to conduct a “Student Parliament Assembly” from their headquarters last week, and wanted to broadcast it live to their 15 centers in and around India. The event director contacted several large competitors (all the usual suspects) to get quotes for the Live Streaming service they needed, and included us, the new kids on the block, in the distribution.
Even though we are a small startup compared to these established giants, the director chose us. Why? Because a human answered the phone when they called for clarifications of the quote, and that human (our star, Nithin) was able to answer them clearly and concisely on the spot – and without a sales pitch. In addition, our quote included the ability to record the live event and share that content with their community of users (without sharing with the public) well after the event was over.
The event went off without a hitch. Well, not quite… It was so successful that they extended it from 2 to 4 days, broadcasting from 9am to 6pm each day. So, since the event is over, now what? They have gone on to use us two more times within a week. And they sent us this nice email.
We love to share success stories like this because the point is not that our software can manage a large globally distributed simultaneous audience, but that it furthers the business needs of our customers. Thrilled clients are contagious, and will be the cornerstone of our success.
Consider this as well. Live streaming is simply one of our features in the Private Media Channel, while that is all that the big competitors offer. The Private Media Channel is all about enabling secure collaboration around multimedia content. We protect your content with 6 layers of security, and allow you to generate a return on the investment by monetizing your video content.
Do you have a need to broadcast around the world simultaneously to a lot of viewers? Come check out our Live Streaming Services.